Camping in 2008
In the winter of 2008 we found a used fifth wheel available at a very good price in Wisconsin [Note from a few years later: If a deal seems to be too good to be true, it probably is]. The dealer agreed to keep it on his lot until spring. We drove over in May to pick it up and to do our first fifth wheel camping.
Here we are in our first campground near Oconto, WI
Brent and Mickey came over from MI to see this new camper and
drove with us up to Michigan where we camped outside of Escanaba .
From Escanaba we each headed out on highway 2 for home. We
stopped at a nice county park near Crandon, WI
The next month Bob and Judie drove out to our place with their first fifth wheel and then we camped together for most of the trip back to Oregon/Washington.
Here they are leaving our house in MN
and our rig getting ready to go
Parked side-by-side in Billings, MT
We split up in Billings as Bob's back was bothering him and he wanted to drive straight home. We continued west by a different route and ended up in Bannack, MT. the State Park there has a few nice camp sites and a very well preserved ghost town. Bannack was the first Territorial capital of Montana.
Our camp site in the afternoon. In the late afternoon we had a
thunderstrom which produced a fantastic sunset.
The teepee was on the edge of the campground. I think you could "camp" in
it if you wanted to.
We got caught in another thunderstorm the next evening at Chief Timothy State Park in Washington and in spite of it being one of our favorite campgrounds, I don't seem to have any pictures of it.
From there it was a short run to our land in Mossyrock