Idaho and Wyoming
Highway 20 leaves I-84 a little east of Boise and then runs through some very empty country.
Our first stop in Idaho was at Magic Reservoir, a BLM park. As you can see, the reservoir was empty and we were the only people there. Smoke from a fire a little to the west of us made for a pretty sunset.
Our next stop was in North East Idaho in this very pretty spot in a National Forest campground on the Henry’s Fork of the Snake River
Leaving Idaho we went into a corner of Montana and then into Yellowstone NP
The Madison River in the western side of Yellowstone. I hadn’t realized that the Madison originated in the park. I knew it was one of three that Lewis & Clark named and decided formed the Missouri River.
A variety of scenes from Yellowstone
Wyoming Highway 120 cut the corner on Highway 20 and led us to Boysen SP on the Bighorn River at the south end of the Wind River Canyon which is quite a treat to drive through.
Our final stop in Wyoming was in Glendo SP
Eastern Wyoming