The view from our property
This will be an evolving page as we slowly cut or knock down trees but to follow the more current "blog" styling, the oldest pictures will be at the bottom and the newest ones will be on top.
12/3/12 First snow
9/2/13 Late summer sunset
Noon 6/11/12
Before Sunrise 6/11/12
Early June Sunset 6/4/12
Early April 2012
11/19/2011 More snow
as it was coming down early in the morning
But by 3 that afternoon the snow had retreated up the hills.
11/18/2011 We woke up to an icy snow mix on the deck. We were at the snow line. Here you can see the snow line across the valley.
8/29/2011 A bunch of sunset picture taking advantage of our new view
From the office
From the dinning room
From the bedroom
Also from the bedroom
From the dinning room
from the living room
8/29/2011 A Panorama after getting our new view with a bit of
Without sunshine
And for the before shot
8/26/2011 A pair of fawns on the lawn
8/16/2011 A rare clear morning. Just after sunrise you can
see just a little bit of valley fog in the left center of the picture.
And a view that is close to the sunset shot below
8/11/2011 Nearly sunset as seen from the dinning room window of our house (still under construction)
7/4/2011 the sun has set but it isn't dark enough for fireworks
4/11/2011 A spring time rainbow
Spring 2010, the leaves are not fully out
Bambi and assistant after eating the leaves on one of our apple trees.
What most of the spring has looked like
A common late afternoon.
Blue sky and sunshine creating valley fog.
(9/10/09)The view from the fifth wheel living room
(June 09) My latest project has been to build us a "front porch" and steps up to the picnic area. The plan is to either move the trailer and the porch closer to the steps, or, move the trailer a little further from the steps and add another section to the porch
At any rate, it is now easier to carry food up to the picnic table (just out of
sight on the left).
6/26/09 After knocking down a few more of the hated maple clusters we now have this view
We also have a new "access road" aka the cleared path for our water line
6/4/09 the view in the slot caused by the digging of a trench
for the water pipe from our well
This shot is from pretty much the same place as the July 2008 above
6/4/09 the view in the slot caused by the digging of a trench
for the water pipe from our well
This shot is from pretty much the same place as the July 2008 below
This picture was shot on the extreme western edge of the property. The
colored strips are Tulips. Mossyrock is the home of a big bulb growing
company. In the spring they have these beautiful rows of Tulips.
then they cut the flowers off (most get thrown away) and then at some point
later in year they dig up the bulbs to sell.
July 2008 and some more clearing-
In early April 2008 we visited again and saw that we will
definitely have a summer view and a winter view.
In July of 2007 we did some clearing and got this shot
4/15/2007 This picture was shot before we bought the property or cleared anything.