Page 7
From Calgary home the trip went by quickly. The
plains have a beauty of their own but capturing it in photographs requires the
right conditions (my opinion) and we didn't have them. Our first night on
the plains was spent in a very nice private campground near Brooks, Alberta.
After that we stopped at Moose Mountain Provincial Park in Saskatchewan, came
down into the U.S. at the International Peace Gardens and camped at Devil's
Lake, ND. This lake is a natural lake which has been rising for the last 5
or 6 years. We camped there two years ago and thought we stop back and see
how it was doing. It is still rising. The highway we took into our
campground two years ago is now closed and the site we camped in is practically
under water, and ones near that site are.
Our final stop for the trip was at Eau Gallee Recreation Area. We camped there twice two years ago and we wanted to stop in and see if the Bald Eagle's nest was still there. It is and it is still inhabited. We saw both the male and female Eagle and their young Eaglet. Turns out that Eagles use the same nest year after year. The forest was too thick to get a good picture though so you will have to use your imagination to picture a huge pile of sticks (an Eagles nest can weigh up to 2000 pounds) high in a pine tree. Hopefully our video of the birds will turn out to be ok.
This is the end of our trip. hope you have enjoyed the pictures.
Send questions or comments to the webmaster.