Across the USA
When we returned to the USA we stopped being travelers and became visitors and our route was determined by where there were people we wanted to visit with. The list was made up of family (brother, cousins, nephew) and friends from our Navy days. And, for some reason, we stopped being photographers.
Acadia National Park
Maine, early fall colors
Pillsbury State Park New Hampshire
Tolland State Forest Massachusetts near the town of Blandford
Blandford, MA. Many names in the Pattison family tree lived in Blandford and I suppose a lot of them are buried in this cemetery.
At West Point point at my Grandfather’s name on a plaque listing lettermen (or football players) from the class of 1893
The musket carried by my 6th great uncle, Jacob Beeler at the Battle of King’s Mountain in the Revolutionary War. His brother Jacob, my 6th Great Grandfather, was also there.
King’s Mountain State Park South Carolina
Fall color in New Mexico, a little blurry because my video camera decided to focus on the window and not the object of the pictures
Provo, Utah
Home after 64 days and 13410 miles. Ten Canadian Provinces Twenty two States
The End