Cruise 2007
This year we decided to do our normal New Year's day get together with the Moes a couple of weeks early so we went on a cruise together in mid-December. Miami to Miami with stops in Half Moon Key, St. Thomas, San Juan, and Grand Turk.
Here we are doing the lifeboat drill
Half Moon Key, in the Bahamas was our first stop, the first day
of the cruise. Since both Gail and Chris had pedicure appointments and
because the seas were a bit rough, we opted to stay aboard so this is what Half
Moon Key looks like from the ship
Next stop was St Thomas in the Virgin Islands.
Chris opted to stay on the ship and Tom walked into town with us but decided he
wouldn't stay to help us shop. This was taken near the head of the pier
A short overnight run brought us to San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Here Gail and I had a mission: get a taxi and go to Humacao, about 25 miles
away, find Ryder Hospital, find the Chapel, and take a picture of the plaque
with her Grandfather's name on it. He was a missionary there many years
ago and helped raise the money for the hospital. Step one was hard, the
taxi drivers were on strike. Fortunately, it was a symbolic strike, we had
to walk a couple of blocks and a cab driver would pick us up out of sight of the
others. On to Humacao. Our cab driver only had to stop once for
directions in order to find Ryder Hospital. And there it was easy to find
the Chapel
It was a lot harder to find someone who could explain to us that the old chapel
had been torn down when the hospital was enlarged. Plaque?
¿Quien Sabe? Shrug Maybe we will find it
and we will call you. Oh well. So we offered to take our cabbie to
lunch if he would take us to real Puerto Rican place where tourists were never
seen. We had in mind some small village cafe. He had in mind a fancy
restaurant where the movers and shakers ate lunch. He was driving.
We were paying. We had Mofongos and having done that we can say we have
done that. As result or our mission, we saw none of the tourist
attractions. Here is San Juan as we left it
Grand Turk was our last stop and it was a brief one.
However, it had one thing going for it. A very nice beach at the head of
the pier. Grand Turk as we approach the pier
On the beach with our ship in the background
We had two formal dinner nights on the ship. This was on
the first one
and the second
It was a great week and we are looking forward to our next cruise.
Jim and Gail Pattison