Susan and Eric Thanksgiving about 1980 |
Later that same Thanksgiving Day |
Family Groetsema Fred in back, Anna Sena & Senna Anna , Dad
(Klaas) & Mom (Lena) |
A young Fred Groetsema |
Modern Voyagers Jennifer & Phil Navasota River. |
Ooops! Color is off in these because we joined in. |
Bryan, Cathy, and Jonesy in their new home (still under
construction) |
Grandfather Pattison's brother, Will on a hunting trip near Fort
Assinniboine, MT 1905 |
The family home in Mexico 1960-62 |
The 1927 Ford Tri-Motor landing at Tayoltita, Mexico |
Tayoltita, Mexico |
Tayoltita as seen from our front yard |
Wynn, Harry, and Bob in Mexico |