Vacation 2003
North Carolina, Italy, Spain, Camping in Colorado and Wyoming
Note: On most pages there will be a map link at the top of the page. The map will open in its own window so you can refer to the map while reading the text.
We started our vacation with one very hard task, spreading Bryan's ashes on Lake Norman. Courtney and Erin flew in from Oregon to stayed with Kamelia and Brent and Mickey drove over from Arkansas. We needed all of their strength and help to get through with this job.
Our time in North Carolina was not all gloom though. We
did go out to dinner. Seen here are the girls and Brent carrying out the
leftovers from one very good dinner.
From North Carolina we flew to Philadelphia and met Gail's sister, Alison for the flight to Rome. In Rome we met were joined by Teresa Carroll, a friend from Indiana.