
Map   map3.jpg (172459 bytes)

After our return from Spain we spent a couple of days shifting gears, so to speak, packing the camper and getting ready for two weeks of camping.  

Our first stop was in Nebraska to have dinner with Marty Magee, an old friend who live in Omaha.  After dinner, we met up with Brent and Mickey in a small State park right outside of Omaha.

Brent and Mickey are searching for the right RV for them.  On this trip they were trying out a small trailer they had rented.  Here they are in Nebraska neb1.jpg (94202 bytes) hitched up and ready to go.  The next night, Saturday, we camped near Ogallala, Nebraska on a nice lake.  The campgrounds were pretty full but we got a nice pair of sites under some big cottonwood trees. neb3.jpg (104596 bytes)  Given the size of their trailer, Brent preferred to cook outdoors.  Near this campground is Ash Hollow, which, according to this sign neb4.jpg (123894 bytes) is a historic site on the Oregon Trail.  

Among other things, this sign note that Rachel Pattison was buried here.  One of many casualties along the trail.  This is a rut from the Oregon Trail where the travelers had to use ropes to lower their heavy wagons down the hill into Ash Hollow neb6.jpg (116704 bytes)

In the strange sight category, we have this picture.  neb5.jpg (56040 bytes)  All along the road near Ash Hollow are fence posts with boots on them.  We don't know why.

That evening and Monday night we camped in Roosevelt National Forest along Colorado's Cache la Poudre river (Coloradoans pronounce that as the pooder river).  co2.jpg (92615 bytes)  Brent, Sam, and I had several weighty discussions here.

 The view from our camper.   co3.jpg (70777 bytes)  

co1.jpg (112759 bytes)  Brent trying to move a boulder so he could have a larger swimming hole.

Late afternoon shots co4.jpg (95868 bytes)  co5.jpg (88139 bytes) co6.jpg (87377 bytes)


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