We spent a fair amount of the trip in Oregon. Our first
couple of days were spent in the southeastern part of the state while Mickey did
some rock hunting. Then, we moved up to Crater Lake National Park for a
couple of days.
As you can see we had perfect weather to enjoy this park. We hiked down to
the lake to take the boat tour which was really enjoyable.
Gail's smile here came before the hike back to the rim, a trip the Park Services
estimates to be the same as climbing 75 flights of stairs. 30 minutes
going down and almost an hour going back up.
Our next stop was on the coast where we met up with Erin and
Justin and we camped in three of Oregon's State Parks. Somehow, the fun of
being with the family distracted us from taking many pictures but Gail did come
up with this one.
Courtney joined us at the last park and then we went inland to stay near their
homes for a couple of days before starting our eastern journey.
Fortunately, Brent and Mickey thought to take a few pictures and caught us all together at meals-one hearty camping breakfast and one very nice Italian restaurant.