The third day found us driving south to Avila, which still has its full medieval wall. Part of the top of this wall can still be walked on.
The Parador is built from another old castle
and includes a very nice garden.
After Avila we continued south to Arcos de la Frontera (stop
4). This was formerly the Casa del Corregidor. The view from our
room seemed to go forever. Unfortunately, it was a bit hazy so this
picture doesn't do justice to what you can see.
This is the reciprocal view.
Some interior shots
The streets of Arcos are very narrow
Our final Parador was in Chinchon, not to far from Madrid.
This one was a convent but only dates back to the 17th century.
We enjoyed spending time by the pool that afternoon.
The interior is as well decorated as the others
The town square had been converted to a bull fighting ring.